I'm a French developer, who like to play with different programming languages
Managing both studies, dev & relationship, I'm passionnated and involved into everything I try out

Java dev • Python enthusiast • Web dev
I mostly made things in Java, Python and HTML
You can check all my projects on my GitHub
- Website : edm115.dev
- Email : [email protected]
- City : Vannes, France
- Birthday : 18th June
- Name : Lussandre Lederrey
- Phone : +33 6 67 98 05 04
- Degree : Not applicable yet (I have the baccalaureate, and I'm currently in 2nd year of Computer Science)
- Age : 18
Here are some numbers about me
Here's what I master (or not)
Python 80%
Java 70%
Git 80%
HTML 85%
CSS 55%
Notion 60%
Miro 50%
FL Studio 85%
Watch_Dogs 100%
Adobe softwares 10%
What is my path ? Discover it there
BUT Computer Science
2022 - 2025
IUT Vannes
3 years where I learnt Java, SQL, Bash, economy, gestion, english, communication, ...
2019 - 2022
Lycée Saint-Paul, Vannes
I learnt here the basics of programmation with Python and SQL